Structure & Guidelines
The project endeavours to function as a harmonious and innovative blend of collective creative collaboration as well as social research and experiment in community living.
Our main guiding principles are:
• Absence of bureaucracy and power hierarchy;
• Leadership based on skill and competence;
• Freedom of individual decision-making and action based on
confidence and trust in oneself and others.
The overseeing of tasks is taken care of specific 'councils', such as:
• Council of Actions and Methodologies
• Council of Aspirations and
• Council of Membership Matters,
• Council of Record keeping, Archiving and Bibliography.
Our working and living together is guided by:
• Discipline and rigour appropriately mixed with friendly co-existence
• Tolerance, respect and benevolence toward each person based not
on personal preference but on the commonly shared principles,
intentions and necessities guiding the work
• Trust and confidence in each other grounded in the direct
experience of dependability and meticulous and timely fulfillment
of agreed-upon responsibilities
• Unwavering commitment to ensuring each person’s physical, social
and psychological confidentiality and safety.